Film Reviews

Cinderella Man: A Film Review

“Maybe I understand, some, about having to fight. So you just remember who you are… you’re the Bulldog of Bergen, and the Pride of New Jersey, you’re everybody’s hope, and the kids’ hero, and you are the champion of my heart, James J. Braddock.-Mae Braddock”

James J. Braddock was a boxer in the 20s and 30s who was one of the greatest boxing heroes of all time. In the mid 1920s, Braddock was in his prime, on top of his game and was praised by all in New Jersey. Russell Crowe spectacularly portrayed this man who was an everyday man who helped encourage the world.

All the glitz and glamor faded when the  Wall Street Market Crash of 1929 happened, and Braddock’s life spiraled out of control. He lost his house, and boxing career. He just like everyone else had to stick up his pride and beg for work. The lines searching and waiting for work and food were endless Here and there, Braddock would earn just enough money through  minor boxing matches to feed his family. James Braddock along with his  Mae, played by Renée Zellweger, were raising three small children throughout these harsh and temperamental times. They had to endure life by living in smaller than usual apartments or in basements to survive.

Braddock’s manager, Joe Gould played by Paul Giamatti, tried his best to get Braddock the best fights, but he was unable to. It seemed no one had the heart for boxing anymore. Braddock didn’t practice as much and continuously lost his matches, but he did earn some money to keep food on the table.

Unfortunately like everyone else during the Great Depression, if the company felt like you couldn’t hold your own weight, you were let go. Braddock lost his boxing license and he felt as if life couldn’t get any worse. Only it did, his children suffered and Braddock signed up for welfare in order to get food and money for his children. He sucked up his pride to help his family.

All the while, Mae Braddock was his rock, who helped him along the way to keep faith in people and himself. When Braddock went to the boxing company to ask for money to help his family, some gave pennies, while others fished out more. He gave a speech that touched many managers and made them realize, here was a man who not only managed to ask for help, but he did it humbly and with no grudges.

Miraculously, Gould found Braddock fights where he had to defeat the opponent to move up to the World Heavyweight Championship. Braddock fought hard and was constantly booed at, and even the sport newspaper reporters had no faith in him. When Braddock beat the number 2 contender and was on his way to face Max Baer (Craig Bierko) the defending World Heavyweight Champion. A reporter began to call Braddock the Cinderella Man because Braddock was poor and came back to fight to earn his respect in the ring and do what he believed to be right. Braddock’s opponent, Max Baer, was a tough fighter and had a tragic boxing incident where he punched one opponent so hard that the man fell dead before he even hit the mat.

When Mae Braddock heard about this, she was frightened and didn’t want her husband to have anything to do with boxing. James had to tell her that he had to do it, he just didn’t know why. Hence the quote above, that he is the hope to everyone.

Released in 2005 and directed by renowned director Ron Howard, this film was such a thrilling tale that can make you feel as if you are in the stands with the crowd. The movie reels from the actual Great  Depression helped capture audiences in what it was like in the 30s and can capture your senses to feel the emotions of the movie. Round after round of stellar acting, the music score and cinematography came together to create a flawless and heart touching film. 

The acting of Crowe, Giamatti and Zellweger were stupendous. They put in their effort to portray these real life people to get audiences to understand more what it was like to live in the Great Depression and to still have faith. Crowe has shown he can master any role thrown at him with ease.  Zelleweger, known for romantic comedy characters has really excelled in this movie, by playing a woman who was quite yet spirited. Giamatti, himself has outdone himself in this film. Instead of being the typical loudmouth villain, he plays a vibrant and passionate man who has a caring heart and is willing to help where it counts.

James Braddock’s comeback won the hearts of Americans in a time of great need and proved to the world that even though you are the underdog and have nothing to lose. Despite life throwing him to the bottom, Braddock and his wife also can inspire you that  it’s still worthwhile to fight for what you believe in.

If you are looking for a great comeback story of a man defying all odds at a time of great turmoil, watch James J. Braddock the Bulldog of Bergen, you will be amazed.  Buy the book from; this book was written by Michael DeLisa who was also a historical consultant for the film.

Purchase about Cinderella Man today from eBay.

If you wish to  find more about James J. Braddock, visit the Official Website.

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